Day 69 – Tuesday, Aug. 1

PCT Mile 1,043.1 Saddle above Noble Lake to PCT Mile 1,066.8
Day Total: 23.7 miles

We crossed some more snow patches on the way down from our campsite this morning.

Several groups of backpackers coming up toward the pass asked how long we were out and had encouraging things to say. I don't feel like I need the external validation from strangers to feel motivated and good about our hike, but sometimes it's nice when people are super excited for us.

The geology was fascinating today.

Lots of crazy rock formations, huge conglomerates, and dark volcanic rocks that are quite a contrast from the granite of the southern Sierra. There's a lot of geology through this section that I wish I could ask a professor about. I'm taking photos of lots of bizarre formations in hopes of someday being able to understand them.

We got rained on briefly at lunch and again in the afternoon. The sky was really dark, but fortunately the thunder stayed away.

We listened to podcasts in the afternoon as the trail wound up and down many bare, rocky hillsides. Later we walked through some wet areas and the mosquitoes got annoying.

We found a campsite just after 8 p.m. high enough that it wasn't buggy, so we set up the tent, ate dinner, and fell asleep.

We usually don't decide how far we're going to go for a day. We hike until it's getting late and then we look on the PCT databook apps for a marked campsite or sometimes just for any old flat spot big enough to set up the tent.

I'd say most hikers use this impromptu planning because it's hard to predict how far you'll get in a day.

Some days the trail is just harder than others.

Some days we're more tired than usual.

Hiking until we're tired has worked pretty well so far.


  1. Super impressed with that tarp action you have going on there!


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