Day 55 – Tuesday, July 18

PCT Mile 864.2 to PCT Mile 878.8 Vermilion Valley Resort
Day Total: 14.6 Miles

We hiked the mile or so up to Seldon Pass this morning and remarked how different it was than the other high passes we've gone over. The most striking difference as the lack of snow. There were just a few small remaining snow fields, a stark difference from Muir Pass two days ago.

We had a couple big creek crossings on the way down from the pass. Fortunately, the most dreaded one, Bear Creek, had a huge tree across it. We were hiking quickly to get to Vermilion Valley Ranch by the afternoon, so we could take the ferry across the lake instead of walk a side trail. We try our best to avoid non-PCT miles.

We made it to the landing for the Edison Lake Ferry by 4 p.m. and caught up to Trailblazer, Papa Bear and Caboose. We took the ferry across the lake, saving several miles of hiking around it, and arrived at Vermilion Valley Resort. The resort has free camping for PCT and jmt hikers, a little convenience store, and an expensive restaurant. And they give all hikers a free beer upon arrival!

We ended the night sitting around a campfire, sharing stories and eating smores. It felt like summer camp.

In the most important news of the day, I'm happy to report that I've been given a trail name!

Most PCT hikers have trail names, usually receiving them in the first few weeks of the hike. For examples, we have met hikers by the names of Twister, Lucky Feet, Winter, Happy Baby, Woodchuck, Rooster, and Slash (who ripped his pants with his ice ax). I'd been bummed that I hadn't gotten a name yet, but finally it has happened!

Our dear friend Caboose and I had been talking about trail work a few days ago, mostly because there is a huge need for trail work along the PCT in Kings Canyon because of all the snow this year. He was surprised to learn that I had gone through chainsaw training when I started working in Yellowstone. He liked the name so much that he started calling me Chainsaw. Stephen also liked the name because sometimes I talk really fast, like a chainsaw, when I get excited.

And I like it because it makes people laugh when I introduce myself. All good things.

Stephen is going by Youngin' again, his trail name from the Appalachian Trail. He likes to say it gets better with age and I'd have to agree.


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